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Print Only

When you already have shirts but you want us to make them look good!

      We will gladly screen print on articles of clothing that you provide as long as you abide by our 12 item minimum. Due to the fact the garments may not be designed with the purpose of decoration, we cannot be held responsible for any defects that occur during the printing process and will have you sign a disclaimer stating such upon drop off.

     These defects can include, but are not limited to, scorching, shrinking, burning, dye migration*, etc. We will, however, cover any printer error.


     To fast track the print-only process please have all your items out of individual bagging and placed in a box with a size per item list for our team to verify in check in. The art team will also need to know a design for said items so please email us ahead of time. The addresses are at the bottom of this page, and on our Contact page. Please include your contact information and details. If you are unable to email prior, please have a description ready at drop off so the Art Department can move forward.


*Dye migration is when the dye on the printed shirt spreads or moves into the printed ink due to heat. This may be a immediate response or one that occurs over time that can not be helped. It is more likely to happen on polyester, poly/cotton blend t-shirts, and other non-organic materials but with its unpredictability we can not take responsibility.


You may also go ahead and print the disclaimer attached below and sign to give our front desk upon arrival. Thanks!

2003 West Gordon Street • Valdosta, Georgia • 229-247-0111       Open Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5 :00 pm

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